Namaste, I bow to the Buddha within you,
To the Christ consciousness that dwells within the Lotus jewel
of your Divine heart centre.
We are one.
One Love, One Heart.
A rainbow of fractals of the light Divine.
That light that shines within you.
For you are the Love, you are the Light
Let it shine, let it shine
Awaken my child and look into the light within you.
Feel it, it’s Love for you, for you are never alone,
as God is Love, and Love can only Love you.
Love you, Love you.
My dear sweet child.
That child within.
That child of Light.
Wake up my child.
You are the light.
Shine bright.
Shine bright and illuminate all that surrounds you.
For all around you is Love.
Yet many feel fear, they lack Love, self Love.
Pity, resentment and pain is their domain.
To all the lost souls of this world:
“I Love you”
Please come back into the light.
That light of truth.
Forgive yourself and set yourself free.
Free to be happy.
For it is your birthright.
You are a being of bliss and ecstasy.
Being at one with the Love that you are.
For you are the Love, you are the Light
Wake up, Wake up
And set yourself free.
Free to be Happy and in Love.