With Cannabis, if you wanna get healed then juice it fresh ‘n Wild
Wanna get High?
Then dry
Dry the Bud and get the drug
To ‘Drug’ is to ‘dry’
Dried Buds are Drugs
Fresh leaf ‘n Byd is natural plant superfood
A dietry essential
Allowing the body to fully function
Bio-feed back from post to pre-synaptic
Hemp is fantastic
This plant is off the scale
Providing us with a perfect balance of key essential nutrients
This plant has it all.
Cannabis is designed for us.
To eat, to Heal
And I feel, having done it many, many years ago, that smoking Herb
is not thy way to full cellular healing.
It may get you high for a while,
Maybe take away some pain.
But, for full power, light body activation
The fast track to cellular healing and beyond
Is Cannabis Raw,
not cooked or burnt.
But Raw
Now eating buds raw is quit a feet.
I know I’ve done it.
So be creative.
Bhang Hi and Fly
Into the sky of unlimited potential
Ganja guacamole
Simple, nutritious and delicious
Socilally uplifting
Raising spirits.
The connecting of Hearts and Souls.
The melting of egos.
The unity of being.
A Hempathic being I am.
For I am the Love
I am the Light
For I eat of the Holy tree of Life and it has set me Free
So, please try Raw Cannabis
The Hemp Evolution is upon us.
It cannot be stopped
We have a destiny with Cannabis and that is it’s Liberation
Freely growing
Wild and Free
For we are Free
Free to sow and grow
The Holly Tree of Life
& to eat of it’s Leaves and Flowers
‘For the leaves shall be for the Healing of the Nations’
& the Flowers
Give us powers
To be who we are truly here
Divine Sovereign Beings
So please eat some Hemp
& shine your Light
The star that you are.
For Hempstars we are one.
One family of Love
Thank you
I Love you
Free Love