The Chronicles of Cannabis is a selection of writings by Free Cannabis focused mainly on his journey with this incredible plant.
Part I of the Chronicles of Cannabis, Free Love Cannabis, Man on a mission, the story so far, tells the story of Free’s setting up of the Cannabis Hemp Information club, his numerous court cases and then his journey into the mountains seeking enlightenment; His moments of ‘Satori’ and his return to England to spread the message of ‘Healing with Hemp and Liberating with Love’.
Part II of the Chronicles of Cannabis, ‘a day in the Life of Free Cannabis’, is currently being tipped up and will be uploaded soon.
Chronicles to Come:
The Hemptation Of Free Love Cannabis. A statement to the world extolling the many benefits of the Cannabis Hemp plant and raising awareness about the crime of it’s prohibition.
The Path of a yogi, finding the light within. For many years Free has followed the path of a yogi, seeking union with the divine. Within this journey he went up into the mountains of southern Spain where he undertook numerous yogic practices which brought him to a state of enlightened consciousness.
Sex, Drugs, Heart and Soul. This chronicle examines the role that over indulgence in sex and drugs has kept the level of consciousness on the planet in a low, fear based culture of sensory over stimulation. As we draw the kundalini out of the base chakra into the heart, the soul can truly express itself as a divine being of Love.