I’m here to instigate an evolution,
An evolution in consciousness.
Awakened minds shine bright
As the truth be told
‘Cannabis is our Salvation’
Our Liberation
It shall set us Free
Free of the illusion of separation
We are One
One family of Love
And as we eat from the Tree of Life,
So are we reborn
Illuminated Souls
Feed again with Healing Hemp Magic
Cells function, consciousness flows back and for,
from post to pre synaptic,
Hemp is Fantastic
For it feeds the body on all levels
Primary, essential nutrients are held within
it’s fruit, achene’s,
Seeds to you and me
And you, me and everyone benefits in eating of
this plants leaves and flowers.
Hemp seeds are great;
Fats, protein, minerals,
it has it all in perfect balance.
Synagistic cosmic biology
The seeds are certainly that.
Yet to get the Full Hemp experience,
of deep cellular healing and beyond,
is to eat of Hemp leaves and flowers.
For then your body will get the full cosmic download,
of what our dear friend Dr Coutney states as;
‘.. a dietry essential’
So to be true Humanoids
We need our Cannabinoids THC, CBD, CBG,
wow this list seems endless,
Sixty plus of these phytocannabinoids
Designed for us,
a gift for us
To be truly us.
The light beings that we are.
All is light
So let in the light
To the temple of your being
Your Hempathic being
To Shine Bright:
Eat Light
Light foods with High Vibration
And the highest of the High,
is Hemp of Course.
This truly is the one for you and me.
To set us Free
So please, feel Free
Free to be free of the illusion of
fear, separation and doubt.
Get Out!
Get out of the Matrix of Delusion and Confusion
There is another World
A Hemp world
It’s just waiting to Happen
So please make it Happen
Join the Hemp Evolution
And feel the power of being truly Free.